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Problem Statement

Problems we solve

BookMyTestCenter helps test centers and assessment companies speed up, improve and efficiently manage the process of finding and booking test centers.


No real-time Availability of Test Centers.

No digital platform tracks the real-time availability of a test center leading to manual intervention and delay in the center booking process.

Team Players

Lack of Verified and audited exam centers.

No first hand information on the quality, state and infrastructure (technical and logistical) of the test centers. BookMyTestCenter verifies, consistently audits and vets available centers. Centers create and manage their own centers, and accept exam booking requests directly from BookMyTestCenter.

Team Players
Global Reach

Time consuming nature of manual processes.

With every process occurring on an excel sheet and phone calls, less time is spent in actually improving the processes. With BookMyTestCenter assessment companies and test centers can carry out every step of the process on the portal for ease of use and maximum efficiency.

Global Reach
Problem Solvers

No one stop digital solution.

With no digital and technological intervention thee processes lack scalability. BookMyTestCenter comes with a unique solution to find, filter, edit, manage and confirm test centers, their availability and the requirements associated to it. .

Problem Solvers

Our Services

What do we offer?

Our features and processes are carefully crafted to ensure that every requirement, general or technical is taken care of.

A state of the art dashboard to view, manage and edit all details of a center and the exam bookings associated to it. A personalized center profile that allows for better profile review and transparency.

Our platform allows assessment companies to search for available test centers based on various criterias like location, capacity, and specialties. Companies can send requirements and receive available centers for booking.

Our Calendar allows centers and assessment companies to view booked exams and their associated centers.

Companies can view center profiles, past exam history and audit reports to book them on the platform.
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Why Us?

What makes us special?

Our tech enabled platform supports test centers and assessment companies alike, to speed up and streamline the process of finding, booking and managing test centers. Below are some numbers that we have achieved doing just that!

61 +
Our Clients
1.6L +
Assessed Condidates
524 +
Mapped Cities
3.5K +
BMTC Venues
6.7L +
17 +
Countries Mapped
Why Us Image

Where It All Began

Word about our Founder

Founder Image
Rajesh Setia
Founder & CEO - TESTPAN India
Founding year: 2016
Rajesh Setia is a serial entrepreneur and currently the Founder, CEO, and Managing Director of Testpan India Private Limited. He is responsible for customer reach globally by building exclusive associates and a channel partner network, and generating online testing business from corporates, educational bodies & government institutes.
Having experience of 25 years in running a full-fledged private limited company, Rajesh was formerly the Founder, Managing Partner & Head Business Development of Panacea Testing (2012- 2016), where he developed the unique business idea of booking test centers across India on a turnkey basis while working with all the online assessment companies.
Contact Us

Contact us

Contact Us

Need to discuss something? Feel free to reach out!

Examination Center

Assessment Company

Center Vendor

Manpower Vendor

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Frequently asked Questions

Here are some of the common questions we get asked. If you don't see your question here, feel free to contact us.

There are two different portal for each.

Our team onboards you personally, and within 24-48 hours, you can get started with the features.

Our clients send test requirements to us, and on the basis of the general and technical requirements of the exam, we route those requests to you (only if they match). You confirm the availability of the center and the requirements, and we book you.

You can reach out to +91-9810147334 or send us an email at Please note that it might take up to 24 hours to get back to your enquiry.

We’ll give you access to the portal, you’ll input the form and click send. We will, on the basis of your requirements, send you the most eligible centers that you’ll be able to choose from.